Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ode to a Starbucks Travel Mug

How did I live for almost 2 years in Morocco without my super-awesome-spill proof-amazing-Starbucks travel mug?

I truly do not know.

Mom sent it in the mail last month, and since then, it has changed my life.

My long, cold, walks to souk in the morning are just a little bit nicer when I am sipping a nice hot mug of coffee.

My 9am class on Wednesday mornings, 7th graders with a lot of energy, is just a little less trying after a finishing a Starbucks travel mug full of coffee.

Many people here don't quite get it. What is that? Some sort of machine? Does it hold pencils? Is there whiskey in there?

They will learn, and I will continue to bring my wonderful Starbucks travel mug everywhere I go this winter.


Jillian said...

I completely understand! In over two years, I never saw a Moroccan use a travel mug. People asked me all the time if I was drinking alcohol. Other people simply told me it's unhealthy to drink while walking (oh, how I love Moroccan health decrees!)

Dad said...

You take after your ol'man

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness you crack me up...."does it hold there whiskey in there..." I almost choked on MY morning drink. (Which if you don't remember is Diet Mt. Dew.) TOo funny.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

@ Jillian- In Pakistan they would always ask sarcastically "Aren't you a muslim?" if I stuck out my left hand to accept something or drank anything while standing up" Irfan