Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fire, Rain, Sun, Plants, Bangs, and More!

Chandler all curled up in the quilt Nana made for me. Isn't it gorgeous!

My attempt to cut my own bangs

My potted petunias!

Rain Rain Rain


Well, in an exciting moment (exciting as not in a good way….bad exciting), I started an electrical fire in my house last week! Apparently, you are not supposed to plug a heater with a thick cord into a wimpy extension cord. It causes a bit of an explosion, no flames (thank God my electricity shut itself off), but a LOT of smoke. Like a LOT. And it smelled like plastic because I have a plastic extension cord. Chandler and I ran out of the house after I unplugged everything…and hunching down in the only corner of my courtyard with cellphone reception, we proceeded to call Dad. One of those, umm dad, I’m fine, but……moments. I am sure my parents are used to those moments by now, but still. ☺

This little fire coincided with a very cold and rainy time. In fact, it was so rainy for so many days in a row, that my roof leaked consistently for 4 days. There was a lot of “drip drip drip drip” as I tried to fall asleep at night. Fortunately, only one of the leaky spots was over my bed, so I could still sleep.

THEN, this past Thursday, I woke up, and didn’t hear rain….and didn’t hear wind, and I stepped outside to see the sun shining! As of my writing this (Saturday), I haven’t seen a cloud in 3 days. Chandler and I are thoroughly enjoying having breakfast in the sun while watching Ellen episodes. Today my host sister and I are going to another douar (little neighborhood), about a mile away, to talk to one of the girls about potentially teaching at the women’s center. I am looking forward to this walk in the sun.

My petunia plants are also enjoying the sun. While in Agadir last weekend, I purchased petunia seeds, 2 flower pots, and potting soil. I am so excited to hopefully have plants this summer! I think the last time I grew something from a seed was perhaps in 1st grade…but I have a feeling this will go well. A little concerned about them surviving the extreme summer heat…..I may have to consult our resident plant expert, Amy, for some tips.

Last but not least, today is January 24, which means one month has passed since my hair cut in America. At that appointment, my fabulous stylist taught me how to cut my own bangs, and suggested I do it every month. So, this morning, after a lovely bucket bath, I cut my own bangs. I think it turned out well…..see for yourself with the attached picture. My only concerns were the lack of mirror (I have a 2”x2” mirror), and Chandler, who had fun pouncing on me while I attempted to cut. Now, this is the first time I have ever brought scissors to my own head of hair, so I was very freaked out! It is now something I am very proud of being able to do.

My personal deadline for turning in my women’s center grant proposal is in about a week, so I am stepping up hassling the right people for follow up.


So here I am, taking a deep breath after an interesting women’s center meeting with the girls. I am hoping to incorporate the women and girls from both my douar (Talbrjt) and the neighboring douar (Agn Yaseen), but I have never had the Agn Yaseen girls come to one of the meetings. On Sunday I visited Agn Yaseen to talk to the girl who will be teaching handicrafts at the neddi (She used to live in Casablanca and learned a lot at a women’s center there). I thought it would be a good idea for the girls in my douar to meet her, so I invited her to today’s meeting and said she could bring some of the other girls if they wanted. Consequently, there were 20 girls in attendance at the meeting today. Now, I know Dad posted a map of my house, and you can probably tell that it is not very big. 20 girls is a lot to fit in my one little room. Plus, I was expecting about 14, so I made a pancake breakfast…..but only enough for 14. It was pretty entertaining, and I ended up cutting the pancakes into quarters. The girls did enjoy maple syrup, which they have never tried before.

Other than the crowdedness, it was a good meeting, and we visited the land where the women’s center will be built, inshallah. Currently we are just waiting for the technician to come up with an estimate on the cost of the center. I had a meeting with the president of the local association, my host dad (the secretary of the assoc.), the technician, my host dad’s brother (I think he just wanted to be there) and the Caid. So after we finished discussing the women’s center, they just started chatting. So there I was, among 5 men, and it turned into guys hanging out time. It was quite the sight, me sitting there while they sat around and discussed whatever men discuss when they get together. I think they think of me as genderless, so maybe it wasn’t weird for them, but I just didn’t know what to do! Do I get up and excuse myself, even though the reason they were all there was because of me? Or do I pretend to be one of them. After a couple of awkward minutes, I used my host brother as an out and went to tutor him in French. Problem solved. ☺

In other news, it has been warm and sunny for 5 out of the last 7 days! Like we are talking light shirt and maybe a sweater weather. My guess is that it is in the 60’s temperature-wise.

ps I apologize for the lack of photos. I will get them up....blogger is fighting with me :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day

I hear the weather in Chicago has been, lets say, a bit cold (?) recently? I have complained that living through a winter without any form of heating is difficult but after hearing about the subzero temperatures in Chi-town, I retract any complaints. Yes, my site can get very cold, windy, and rainy, but for the equivalent of $4, I can get to Agadir, where I spent this past weekend. It was about 80 degrees the whole weekend…..I even got sunburned. Not that I am gloating or anything. Just saying. ☺

I was in Agadir for my friend Michelle’s birthday, and we had a great time lying by the beach and catching up with PCV friends who live in other regions.

I had to go late to this get-togethr, due to idurnan, the holiday we celebrated in my site on Friday. Apparently this was neither a national holiday or a regional holiday. It was an Erin’s site holiday. So I spent the day with my host family, cooking, making bghrid and shfinj, a pancake like thing with a million holes, and fried donuts, respectively. Talk about goooood food. We also did henna, so I have a new design on my hands.

Currently I am in Tiznit for inauguration day. We are planning a themed party, with Kenyan food, Chicago-style pizza, and Hawaiian pizza. I also have to make a stop by the Ministry of Education. Last week a couple of the women in my village as well as the local teacher came to me asking if I can use my relative influence to get a teacher sent to my village. Since the beginning of the school year, there has only been one teacher at the school-a French teacher. Therefore, the students are not learning any Arabic and are falling way behind. The idea is that being a foreigner, I will be able to go into the Ministry and talk directly with the delegue. We shall see how this goes.

I wish I could take credit for the pictures of my house, but unfortunately I am not that technologically capable. So kudos to Dad for it! Very cool!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My House

This is the layout of my house. You can click on a thumbnail to see a full size image of that room

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Neighborhood

Here is a 360 degree panorama of my site taken from the roof of my house. Move your mouse below the arrow at the top to pan around.

Click here to view a larger version of "My Neighborhood"

Sun and chocolate chip cookies

After a very very cold weekend (now, Chicago folk no complaining that yours was worse-I have no heating!), I am thrilled to be in Tafraoute where the sun is shining and de-thawing my frozen bones.

I spent an enjoyable weekend with some of my close Peace Corps Volunteer friends, catching up after our varied holiday activities.  Although the cold made doing anything a chore, we still enjoyed using a lot of the supplies I brought from home to cook some delicious meals.  Taco Bell packets, Grillmates, M&Ms!

Yesterday I made chocolate chip cookies...real Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies!  A couple of my local girls stopped by and were fascinated by the interesting ingredients.  Vanilla extract, brown sugar, chocolate chips- all new to them.  Thanks to my dear mother, it looks like I have enough supplies to make many batches of cookies in the near future.  A little taste of home.

In the evening I took a very pleasant bucket bath (think literally buckets, water heated on the stove, over a drain) using the new shampoo, conditioner, facewash, and B&BW body wash I brought from America.  Thanks to Stephanie I smell like Midnight Pomegranate today.  :)

Tomorrow I have a meeting with the girls who are participating in the development of the women's center.  Let's hope they completed the various tasks I "assigned" them to do while I was in America.  It is amazing how dedicated they are to getting this accomplished, so I am sure they went above and beyond my suggestions.  And of course, chocolate chip cookies are in order as a snack for the meeting.

Later this week there is some sort of festival- I am not quite clear on what we are celebrating, but according to my friends in the village, Friday will not be a day to miss.  Food, singing, dancing, what more could I ask for?

Oh, and in a glorious moment today I discovered the road from Ait Oafka to my site is complete, and instead of taking 2 1/2 hours to get to Tafraoute by bus, it only took 1!  Yay!

Friday, January 9, 2009

turning over a new leaf

So I just arrived back in Morocco after a glorious 2 week vacation in Chicago.  After i stepped off the plane and got hugs from my dear family, and before any catching up began, my lovely sister told me she had a problem.  Apparently she is offended (and not the only one) that I do not update my blog more often.  So here we go.  I am ready to turn over a new leaf.  

I have spent 3 nights in country so far.  One in Agadir at my favorite hotel (with my 150lbs of luggage.  Two hours at Target can do that to you).  Fortunately a nice lady in the Paris airport waived the 300Euro ($500!!!!) fee I should have paid for all of the extra weight.

My second night was my reunion with Chandler, who was more than thrilled to see me.  Usually he sleeps on my neck, on my side.  That night he literally slept on my head.  :)  It was a tough night, jet lag and missing home.  Finally at 3:30am I decided to get up, make macaroni and cheese, eat Oreos, and watch Friends.  

I decided the next day not to be lonely anymore so I went to visit my friend Meredith.  This weekend will be spent with my close volunteer friends in the region in order to help with the transition back.

ps My host family was thrilled by the gifts from America.  Who knew a little nail polish and some perfume could bring so much joy to their lives!