Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Women's Center Wednesdays

So, in order to keep myself on the ball with women's center updates, I decided to initiate Women's Center Wednesdays. Every Wednesday, I will post new pictures of the Women's Center. This also gives people the opportunity to just read about the center's progress if they don't feel like knowing what I thank God for.

After a lovely vacation in Egypt, I arrived back to Morocco on Thursday. I called my association president the minute I stepped off the plane to hear any women's center news. He said, "Shoof, lmushkil iga is illa anzar bzzaf. Ur bahara xdmn." Which is roughly translated as "Look, the problem is there is a lot of rain. They aren't working too much." Now, hearing that scared me just a wee bit. Would I arrive home to see the same pile of rocks as when I left?

Thank goodness he was erring on the side of caution. I am VERY impressed with construction so far! It actually looks like a building. Also, I can hear the workers laying cement and stacking bricks from inside my house. This is a very pleasant sound to wake up to in the morning. Progress!!!

We are still waiting to hear from the Ministry of Social Development on exactly how many sewing machines and other equipment they will be donating. However, the Ministry of Health has confirmed that they will deliver their equipment as soon as the center is complete!

Now let's pray to the sun gods that we have more sunny days than rainy days over the next month and a half!


lcmochapup said...

Erin that is just amazing! In the volunteer world we talk a lot about the work that we do not being tangible, or building things we cannot see- it is so amazing to see something built!!!!

I know that all of the girls in your village for generations to come will value this so much. As always you are quite amazing. Buena suerte con todo!


Stephanie H said...

Yah! I love to see updates! Women's Center Wednesdays sounds like a great plan!

Judy said...

How exciting - walls are actually going up and the center is no longer just a dream. Way to go, Erin. Kudos!

AmyLuvsTrees said...

Women's Center Wednesdays is the best idea ever. :D It makes me soooo excited to see it starting to take shape! I'm so pumped to start hearing about all of the supplies arriving!