Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So, word to the wise. If you live in Morocco, and your sister is coming to visit, and you want to clean your cat, DO NOT try to blow-dry him too. Last week, I successfully bathed Chandler. Although he didn’t exactly love it, he put up with the water and being shampooed and everything. But then I thought, he might get cold with wet fur. So I turned on my hairdryer. Not the best idea ever. Actually, probably one of the worst ideas ever. Chandler became very afraid and tried to get away. I tried to restrain him, so he responded by biting my arm, and then my hand. Needless to say, he did not get blow-dried.

I didn’t think this was at all a big deal…I mean Chandler was vaccinated against everything in December. SO I went about my business until that night when I noticed that my hand had swollen to twice its normal size. The next morning, I called my PCMO (Peace Corps Medical Officer), thinking that he might suggest I get antibiotics or something. Instead, he told me to come to Rabat! Rabat!??! Being 13-15ish hours away, that’s not exactly an easy trip to make. So I told him no. I said I could go to Tiznit or Agadir for medical attention, but Rabat???

Well I lost the argument. I promptly left for Rabat. 30 hours later, I arrived in Rabat. Now, I need to make it clear that I love Rabat. It is a great, modern city that offers a blend of much-appreciated luxuries, and traditional Moroccan culture. However, this was not the most convenient time to go.

Since there is a 48 hour gap between the 2 post-exposure prophylaxis injections, I had almost 3 days to spend in Rabat. Turns out one of my other Peace Corps friends was bitten by her cat too, so we spent the time together. The highlight of my time was St. Patrick’s Day. When packing I didn’t realize I would be in Rabat for St. Patrick’s Day, so I didn’t have anything green, but we were able to celebrate nonetheless.

The US Embassy has a restaurant called the American Club, where Americans can go and enjoy food and drinks not found elsewhere in Morocco. We called the restaurant on St. Patrick’s Day, and it turned out they were having a party! So I got to spend this St. Patrick’s Day eating corned beef, drinking green beer, and hanging out with about 50 Americans, 1 Irish family, and a British couple. It was a great time, complete with “Kiss me, I’m Irish” necklaces and St. Patrick’s Day napkins. We ended the night by singing Irish folk songs led by the Irish family.

This morning I was lucky enough to finally get in touch with my Tashelhit language instructor from training, Doha. She is currently working in Rabat, so we had lunch together today. Who would have thought my surprise trip to Rabat would go so well!

Now, I am heading back down to site, and should arrive tomorrow. I am counting down the days until Steph and Adam’s visit…….4 days!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sure hope you're 100% better now and ready to enjoy the visit with Stephanie and Adam...Have a blast!!! Can't wait for the update

momo said...

Hope ur feeling better now. Was that friend's name who has a cat bitten Megan? Megan works now in Tafraout... Im Momo from Tiznit... Bless u