Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I had a fabulous moment at my site this weekend….which really brought a smile to my face.  On Friday, my host mom and I went to visit a couple of douars (communities) further into the mountains, including Ait Boumzou where she was born and raised.  It was really nice, meeting her aunt, a little lady with no teeth and a big smile, as well as the extended family still living there.  It took about an hour to get there, and we stayed in the area until evening.  Then on Saturday, my host sister, Najma, and I went to souk, or the town center, to do laundry since there is running water there.  For lunch we stopped by some relatives of my host family.  One of the daughters, Fadma, said she heard there was going to be a wedding in Ait Boumzou this summer.  I replied that yes there was, Amina, who is living in Tiznit, will be home to be married.  And Fadma said, “Really?  I didn’t know that.  Very neat!”  And I couldn’t help but smile!  Our main goal for the first six months of service is community integration, and here I am sharing family news with people in the community.  It made me very happy!  One step in the right direction.


In other news, I may have a house to live in!  I will be moving out of my host family’s house on August 1st.  It has just been brought to my attention that there is a little pink house available for rent in my douar/community.  It is 5k away from the main road, so transportation would not be too fun, but it is in the same area as all of the people I know from my site.  The only problem is the lack of electricity.  Hopefully I will meet with the house owner this week to see if we can work something out!


Anonymous said...

haha a pink house - how could it NOT be perfect for you!!!

love you!

Anonymous said...

happy house hunting..I hope there's a light at the end of your search...literally :)
love, Bonnie