It is amazing how some people leave such an impression on you, it influences the course of your life. With 10 days until PC departure, one of my high priorities was to meet with a former Loyola professor of mine. Well, we just had lunch, and I was reminded of how a single person can unexpectedly make such a difference in one's life. She taught "Perspectives on Life and Death", which I took during my final semester at Loyola. Conveniently, it also became the semester of decisions for me as I discerned my desire to volunteer after graduation. Looking back, I can safely say there were elements of that class and of her teaching that help me now to understand the underlying motivations behind my PC decision. Being a Theology and medical ethics course, I gained a deeper understanding of what theological reflection really means, and discovered it does not necessarily mean needing to join a faith-based volunteer organization. To the contrary, theological reflection is one of many sources that one can consult in the process of making an ethical decision. And there is no reason I cannot consult my theological background when making decisions in a primarily Islamic country like Morocco. It is one of my many reference points for forming opinions and making decisions.
Soviet childhood: 55 photos
1 year ago
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