Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lfushta n Neddi!

Here are some pictures from the neddi opening! We had a great time, and leaving my site was incredibly difficult. While I am currently in Rabat running around like a chicken with my head cut off (what a horrible idiom....) trying to accomplish many tasks in my last few days here, I promise a good run of nice long descriptive updates upon my departure from Morocco.


Me and my girls! These three girls were with me through the good times, the bad times, the scary times, the ugly times, the funny times...all the times! They all came to the women's center opening because they are amazing.

After a long, fancy lunch of tagine, fruit, tea, and cookies, we were asked to take a picture with the local important people. Turns out there were a lot of us, and yet everyone insisted on making one line. The gendarmes (local police), the Caid (local government official), the commune president, the association president, the Ministry of Health representative, the doctor, the nurse, my association president....everyone was there!

Some of the local kids were charged with the ribbo cutting and led a ceremony. They did a great job, and knowing that the center is complete felt amazing.

We all insisted that the local association president should cut the ribbon. He is a wonderful influence on the town.

All of the village women and girls shower up. This tent was packed with over 60 women! The event was clearly for them.

The schoolteacher prepared a few skits with the students in honor of Earth Day and the Women's Center. They were adorable and pleasant to watch.

Their Earth Day skit.

The men sat in the other tent. My Peace Corps boss stayed with the men and handled everything very well. Can you spot the American???

The women's center!!!!!

The two tents, set up in the schoolyard.

My host dad and another local man. I just love this picture because they look so regal.

Much to my surprise, I was presented with some lovely gifts. The community members all chipped in to give me a set of local clothes and local jewelry. They are absolutely beautiful.

My boss received Berber shoes!

The women's center girls all chipped in for a pair of shoes, which meant so much to me.

After all the festivities, the women and girls did their traditional song and dance, called "ahwash."

For the first time in over two years, I participated in "ahwash" with the girls. It was a TON of fun!!

Sorry for the delay on the updates!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My internet is broken so sorry!

So 3 weeks before i complete my service in Morocco, my internet modem broke! Unfortunately I don't have time to write an update, but you can make up your own story with the pictures! :)

Oh, and Health Room equipment is being delivered on Monday, and the opening party is on Thursday!